My Recommended Suppliers
Here are some links to other great wedding services provides within Devon. I have worked with them all and they come highly recommended.
Make Up & Beauty
Tel: 0784 045 2538
Tel: 0797 470 5596
0778 395 4119
0787 215 0964
Hair Accessories
*Also available to purchase from my salon and you’re welcome to try out the hair jewellery for yourself
0759 610 8180
* Clip in or nano & LA Weave available
The Folly – Honeymoon cottage and Elopement’s)
0793 894 9100
0176 962 9069
Winslade Manor Events and Weddings
0139 269 1345
Massage & Wellbeing
I strongly believe in looking after yourself be it through exercise or meditation for calming the mind and centre of yourself, or massage to shift unwanted tensions.
I can highly recommend Katherine Tribble in the Bali Room and all Kingsley House has to offer.
Sit and wait in the coffee shop garden out the back while you wait at the Hummingbird cafe. You won’t be disappointed.
Katherine’s Beauty & Wellbeing
Other business recommendations
All Things Eco – A family-owned online eco store, creating a sustainable lifestyle which is easy, accessible and all in one place. Based in Devon.
I Do Website Design – My website designer